Monday, April 11, 2011

Donald Trump for President?

Donald Trump is officially running for presidential candidacy for the Republican Party in 2012.  He is one of the richest people in America.  This makes me question what exactly is this world coming too?  Donald Trump has no experience in politics what so ever.  He only has experience in the business and entertainment business.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Chester Tragegy

Eight teenagers were injured and two killed after a shootout during a teen party in Chester, PA.  It was 19-year-old woman Carlisha Coleman birthday party at Minaret Temple No. 174.  So far, three people have been arrested.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Government Not Shutting Down

The government finally reached an agreement and is not shutting down.  If the government did shut down many of Americans especially those who work for the government would have been out of jobs.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ivory Coast

The violence going on in Abidjan has led to the Ivory Coast Water and Electricity Company to cut off all services in the Ivory’s Coast north.  The company’s leader, Laurent Gbagbo loss the presidential election in the United Nations, refused to give the power to Alassane Quattara, who won according to the polls.  Since the lost, millions of people have been deprived water and electricity because of the violent political crisis.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


There may be an immunization for the AIDs disease.  After several years of research, scientists did an experiment with nine patients to test a possible solution.  In this experiment, they first took the immune cells from HIV-positive patients’ own blood and then snipped out a single gene.  Following that, they put the cells back into the patient and realized that the cells no longer made a receptor that the virus needs to enter the cell; thus blocking HIV.  These results have been shown at an AIDs Conference and will hopefully sprout out to bring a possible end to the deadly virus.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Wendy Williams Being Sued

The Pool at Harrah’s Resort in Atlantic City is suing Wendy Williams, a contestant on “Dancing with the Stars.”  Apparently, Williams pained $25, 000 for a two hour appearance at The Pool but stayed only an hour and spent most of her time drinking with her husband instead of mingling with the guest who paid $30 to get a ticket for the event.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Change for Mammograms

Almost every year, woman are responsible to make an appointment to get a mammogram done.  A mammogram is done traditionally by a woman's breast being  squashed in order to check for breast cancer.  This uncomfortable procedure is now going to be replaced by a breast "tomosynthesis."  This is a 3D breast scan that will more advancely and digitally detect breast cancer as did the mammorgram.  According to a Penn physicist, "this is the biggest improvement in the histiry of mammography."

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Temple Tokyo

Due to a radioactive nuclear leak in Japan, the students studying abroad at Temple University Tokyo are now coming back to the United States for safety purposes.  The students are expected to stay on main campus in open rooms.  Prior to being on campus, each student will be routinely checked for radioactive  contamination.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

iPad Delay in Japan

Due to the devastating earthquakes and tsunami in Japan, they have decided to put a delay on the release of the iPad 2 tablet.  Originally, it was suppose to be released on March 25 however the new date has not yet been decided.  Obviously, the country needs to focus and work towards recovering from the disaster before making decisions such as this.  Meanwhile, the iPad is still expected to be released on March 25th in the other 25 counties holding the product.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Bachelor Finally Finds Love

The 11th season of The Bachelor came it an end tonight as bachelor, Brad Womak proposed to his now fiancé Emily Maynard.  After being on the show the first time and not finding love, America is delighted to find that on his second time around on this show, Brad finally found love.  In result of the outcome of his first season, this season has been especially intriguing for many to watch, unsure if he would repeat the same thing he did before.  All in all, the ceremony was lovely and Brad and Emily are wished the best of luck.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Springtime in Paris Brings Springtime Cheers to Philadelphia

After a rickety winter snow season, thousands of people were delighted to welcome Springtime in Paris to Philadelphia.  Overall, the show helps make a delightful and lasting impact on the community whether it was from the exquisite flower show exhibits, vendors or benefiting programs such as the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society.  If wanted, the exclusive beauty found in the floral designs, scents or even in some of flowers that were available for purchase.  Between purchases and pictures, each viewer had the opportunity to take a piece of this extravagant event back to their homes or communities as a reminder of not only the annual Philadelphia International Flower Show but also of the season that will soon be arriving, spring

Friday, March 11, 2011

Government Shutdown

If Congress does not reach an agreement on spending cut by March 4, they will risk a government shutdown.  President Obama warned them today that in addition to the shut down, the economic recovery will have to be stalled.  The main disagreement is how much the government will cut for the budget.  Obama said in his weekly radio and internet address, “For the sake of our people and our economy, we cannot allow gridlock to prevail.  I urge and expect them to find common ground so we can accelerate, not impede, economic growth.”  Despite the fact that Congress is Republican-ran House and Democratic-controlled Senate, it is crucial.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Flower Show in Philly

The Philadelphia International Flower Show has finally begun today.  This year’s theme is, Springtime in Paris.  According to the press room, each year, since 1829, about 60 professional landscapes, florist and other organizations, put together floral displays and gardens.  This tradition roughly came from the very first flower shows in which professional growers would show off their most grand and exclusive plants in an indoor flower show accessible to the nation.  Clearly this is a\n amazing event and thousands are expected to attend throughout the duration of this week.

Friday, March 4, 2011

New Possible Cure for AIDS

There may be an immunization for the AIDs disease.  After several years of research, scientists did an experiment with nine patients to test a possible solution.  In this experiment, they first took the immune cells from HIV-positive patients’ own blood and then snipped out a single gene.  Following that, they put the cells back into the patient and realized that the cells no longer made a receptor that the virus needs to enter the cell; thus blocking HIV.  These results have been shown at an AIDs Conference and will hopefully sprout out to bring a possible end to the deadly virus.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ivory Coast

The violence going on in Abidjan has led to the Ivory Coast Water and Electricity Company to cut off all services in the Ivory’s Coast north.  The company’s leader, Laurent Gbagbo loss the presidential election in the United Nations, refused to give the power to Alassane Quattara, who won according to the polls.  Since the lost, millions of people have been deprived water and electricity because of the violent political crisis.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Aiding the Enemy

Bradley Manning who is 22 years old and also known as the military intelligence analyst, who is accused of contributing to the leaking of government secrets on Wiki Leaks, is now being accused of 22 additional charges.  Out of all the charges, the biggest and most significant one was “aiding the enemy.”  If he is at least convicted of this charge, he will have to serve a life sentence in prison.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Man Struck by Train

A man was struck by a train at the Susquehanna and Dauphin Subway station.  This occurred at seven this morning.  Apparently, the man went down on the tracks to retrieve a cigarette that he had drop.  In result, a cigarette that would have cost him roughly a couple of dollars ended up costing him his life.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Christian Mission Gone Wrong

Four Americans were killed by their pirate captors after boarding a hijacked yacht which was off the coast of Somalia.  The United State military officials said that the four American were sailing around the world on a Christian mission.  During their trip, they had the intentions of also distributing bibles to the places they visited.  300 miles off the coast of Somali, they were ambushed.

The United States tried to track and negotiate with the pirate, but clearly it was no working out  In result, the Americans captured 13 pirates and killed two of them.  They later learned that there may have been 19 pirates involved in the kidnapping.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

National Tree Comes Tumbling Down

The National Tree came tumbling down yesterday as a result of high winds that periodically went 60 miles per hour, in Washington.  The National Tree was moved by the National Park Service in 1978 on the Ellipse in President's Park and was intended to stay there for a very long time.  This incident surprised many considering the tree was healthy.  The National Tree was traditionally decorated and officially lighted by the president at Christmas time in a nationally broadcast celebration.  Now, however, the tree is expected to be replaced by the spring in the same area.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Democratic Leader's Meeting With Obama

Today, Senate Democratic leaders met with President Barack Obama after a Nevada senator asked for a meeting at the White House last Wednesday, which was two days after Obama released his 2012 budget.  This meeting was primarily called in efforts to discuss the Republicans proposal about spending cuts and overhauling things such as Social Security.  In addition,each senate leader talked about their personal  concerns of how protecting Social Security and these budget cuts would severely affect the public.
Following the meeting, the senate leaders commented to the press simply saying that, President Obama mainly just talked about strengthening the economy but was not as specific and did not go into detail as they wanted him too.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

So Far Gone

In South Philadelphia, the day after Thanksgiving in 2010, a sixteen year old boy got into an argument with his mother that lasted one hour and a half.  The boys mother ended up compensating his PS3 as punishment.  In result, the boy waited till his mother was sleeping, beat her to death with a hammer and finished her off by trying to cremate her body with the oven stove.  Realising that wouldn't work, the boy ended up dragging his mother's corpse down to an alley.

Today, at his trial, he was charged with murder, possession of an instrument of crime and abuse of corpse.  All he had o say for himself was, "I couldn't stand the arguing. … If I could, I would not do it again. I really miss my mom … she was the only person who cared for me." 

This story is a prime example of how people today are losing their humanity and have come to value inanimate  objects so much that it leads to insane tragedies such as this one.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Amazing Spider-Man

Sony Entertainment plans to put out a new film called "The Amazing Spider-Man" by July 2012.  The official title of the film was publicly made known today along with a picture of the the lead actor, Andrew Garfield in costume as Spider-Man.  Not only is this a reboot of the original Spider-Man, it also presents a new image of him.  In addition to the new film, a new comic book series will soon follow for all of the comic book fans!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Illegal Silicone Injections

There has been a rising issue with illegal silicone injections in the PA, NY and NJ area.  There has been an expanding number of investigations against backroom practitioners of silicone injections because people have been dying as result.  Although this treatment which is illegally helping patients with certain infections is illegal, patients are still spending a lot money for doctors to treat them with it.  In fact, in a trial held in a Manhatten court, prosecutors said that one client actually paid $1,000 for injections. The side effects of this injection include an individual not being abole to sit or stand up straight, shortness of breath, incapability of getting out of the bed and fainting.  This arising problem will hopefully be solved song and put to an end.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

1300 Evauated

Evidently, there was a fire today at  the Temple University residence hall, 1300.  All of the residents were forced to evauate  after a construction trailer which had propane tanks in it, caught on fire around 13th and Cecil B. Moore Avenue.  Fortunatley, the students were allowed back less than a hour later and there was no injuries!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

AOL buys Huffington Post

AOL is now the owner of the Huffington Post.  The purchase was brought at $315 million.  This purchase was made yesterday, February 7, 2011, however was not announced until this morning.

So.. What does this mean?

Well for one, the former owner of Huffington Post,Arianna Huffington is now a even richer woman.  For the media, this opens up a whole new range of opportunities.  With the Huffington Post and AOL now combined, the News, Tech, Entertainment, Video, etc will  now be reaching 117 million Americans and 270 million Globally.  In addition, the new group will be working towards redefining the Future of Brand Advertising and Marketing for an Engaged and Influential Audience!

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Dow Close, Aftermath

The stock market has had mixed results ever since the big Dow close on Wednesday, February 2, 2011.  Because of the terror currently  going on in  Egypt, the stock marketing is suffering.  In addition, Egypt is a major oil producer and because if the  explosions and shootings, everyone including the United States’ stock market and economy is suffering.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Glad To Be In America

Times like this should make all of us be glad to be in America.  Cairo, Egypt is beyond a state of emergency.  Another shootout occurred at 4 am. at the Cairo's Tahrir Square today, February 3, 2011.  In result, at least three people died in the crowds of people.  About one hour later, powerful, single shots rattled into the square also hurting people. 
This is only a two hour glimpse of what Cairo, Egypt has been going through these last couple of weeks.  Military and Government forces are not collaborating what so ever.  Times like this for sure should make people happy to be living in America.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Inconsistent Weather Causing Sickness and Accidents?

The rainy, icy weather has been causing a lot of people to have to make trips to the ER.  Whether it was because of the constant weather change, sickness or the icy streets and pavements.  This has been the reasons why a lot of schools have been having snow days and delays lately.  Whether its on foot or in a vehicles accidents have been happening a lot since the last snow storm last week.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Politicians Connecting With Young Americans?

President Barack Obama held a YouTube interview on Thursday, January 30, 2011.  It was part of a strategy in which administration officials are directly talking to Americans about  administration policies mentioned during the State of Union Address on Tuesday.  This interview was targeted specifically to “young Amercians.”  In addition, other officials such as Joe Biden held interviews on Yahoo; thus also participating in online discussions.  These discussions include answering questions submitted via FaceBook, which is the well known social network for these “young Americans.”

Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Break In

A school in the Germantown section of Philadelphia, DePaul Catholic School had a break in.  With security doors and alarm systems, it befuddles many on how exactly this is possible.  A few things were taken out of the office of both the vice principle and principle offices.  Hopefully a police report was filed!

DePaul Catholic is an elementary school for students in grades K-8 and there safety is most important.  Clearly the security at this school needs to be reevaluated.